Clients and customers are looking for your website, but no one wants to play hide-and-seek. Websites that are ranked higher by search engines get the brass ring. WebItems® 10.0 delivers the marketing tools you need to get top billing from search engines, including:
- Automated Keyword-rich URLs
- Automated Open Graph tags
- Automated XML Sitemaps
- Automated Friendly Sitemaps
- Top-Tier Cloud Hosting
- Easy 301 Redirects
- Robots.txt Files
- Customizable, Static Page URLs and Titles
- Page-level META Descriptions and Keywords
- Analytics Integration
Track Everything with Stats and Analytics
Vital statistic are built right into WebItems® giving you an instant overview of how your website is performing. But we go deeper than mere surfaces statistics, by integrating with 3rd party analytics tools like Google Analytics. The more you know about how your website is performing the better you can serve your customers’ needs.